American needs help about a wing


: 17.10.2008
: 2
If you can type in english, that would help on this thread.
I am looking to find out if there is a a rear wing/spoiler that is low on the back. I hear it was a factory option here. First is this true, and second, if anyone can come up with a part number, That would be fantastic.

Please respond to my email if you would.

James Unger

: 17. 10. 2008 [17:58]

: 11.04.2005
: 5771
: 17. 10. 2008 [18:29]

: 17.10.2008
: 2
OK thanks

It was also answered by this response on in a link to a thread here:

I suppose you mean the short one?

It's been manufactured by B+M Brune and was distributed by TTE. If you still want to order one, try out They offer it in their shop.

Feel free to write in English, most of us do understand it

: 17. 10. 2008 [19:40]

: 11.04.2005
: 2022
Hello Acylon,

the wing is produced by B&M and is not available anymore,
here and there you can find some used ones.

TTC is selling copys of them as far as i know.

nice you found your way from over here.
Tell KBlake some greetings from Andy germany icon_smile.gif

cu Andy

97´RSP LHD-Hardtop, MoTeC M600.
: 18. 10. 2008 [23:35]

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