Die 50 besten Sportwagen aller Zeiten


: 09.04.2008
: 1913


Based off the Celica platform, the Mark IV Supra was a more performance oriented car than previous versions. Utilizing a Sequential Twin Turbo configuration similar to the RX-7, the Supra was capable of 0-60 runs of 4.6 seconds and a top speed in excess of 170mph, all very impressive stats for the mid-’90s. What was most impressive, though, was the durability of the 3L 2JZ-GTE Inline 6. These cars were capable of pavement-pealing 800 to 1000 horsepower figures without major modifications, and as such the Supra developed its own cult following within the tuner market, and remains one of the most highly sought after Japanese sports cars in history. You want one? Good luck finding one unmolested (though it would probably be worth your time to look).

1994 Supra Turbo 1A1 6SPD
: 24. 12. 2010 [11:31]

: 22.10.2007
: 3712
300zx und s2000 vor der supra? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

m3 vor einer zr1.....

300zx lief etwa so gut wie mein grossvaters john deree icon_biggrin.gif

was ist denn das für eine scheisse?

Neid ist die aufrichtigste Form der Anerkennung
: 24. 12. 2010 [11:34]

: 09.08.2008
: 1462
Benu, ich glaube dass es sich nicht um eine Rangliste handelt... sont wäre wohl ein Gumpert, v12 Dbs oder Ferrari auch weiter vorne!

Error 404 - "traction not found"
: 24. 12. 2010 [12:02]

: 18.05.2008
: 1481
Original geschrieben von: Benu
300zx lief etwa so gut wie mein grossvaters john deree icon_biggrin.gif

Benu ich weis nicht was du hast? Meine 2 liefen gut! icon_biggrin.gif

: 24. 12. 2010 [12:14]

: 09.04.2008
: 1913
Original geschrieben von: ReDLineMKIV
Benu, ich glaube dass es sich nicht um eine Rangliste handelt... sont wäre wohl ein Gumpert, v12 Dbs oder Ferrari auch weiter vorne!

Genau. Benu, Einleitung lesen und verstehen... icon_razz.gif
Eine so subjektive Liste sorgt natürlich immer für Kontroversen.
Der 300ZX hat so weit vorne meiner Meinung nach auch nichts verloren, erreicht er doch niemals die Klasse eines Supras oder NSX.

1. This is a list of the best Sports Cars of all time. Not performance cars. Not the most beautiful cars. Not the best selling or most popular cars. Sports Cars.

2. A Mustang, an M5, and a Mini are not technically defined as Sports Cars. A Sports Car is a performance focused vehicle with two doors and usually two seats, although 2+2 configurations are acceptable beneath the subcategory of luxury-minded vehicles called GT (Gran Touring) cars. Believe me, we wanted desperately to have a Mustang whoop up classic Ferraris on our list, but it just wasn’t feasible, or fair. And if muscle cars can’t do it, neither can your hot hatches and performance saloons.

3. There are many highly deserving cars of such a distinguished pedigree that we could arguably include two or three (or four) specific iterations of the same make and model. But in the interest of including the widest range of cars, and not shamelessly plugging one specific fan-club, we’ve not ranked individual production years. Nor have we included highly successful successors to (all) of our picks, much for the same reason. If we did, let’s just say, every Ferrari between the 250 and the 599 would be on our list.

1994 Supra Turbo 1A1 6SPD
: 24. 12. 2010 [12:19]

: 09.04.2008
: 1913
Nochwas zu 300ZX vs Supra MKIV:

In der Car&Driver Ausgabe von 1993 (Link) steht geschrieben:
"It is fast, but it is not a pure sports car like the RX-7. And it offers neither the styling, the luxury nor the prestige of the 300ZX"

In einer 2005er Ausgabe von C&D schreibt der Chefredakteur:
"(...) in retrospect, the authors here at C&D wish we never said half the
shit we did in that mag about the prestige of a Supra compared to a 300ZX (...)

icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif

1994 Supra Turbo 1A1 6SPD
: 24. 12. 2010 [12:45]

: 21.04.2005
: 1734
Original geschrieben von: Gery
Nochwas zu 300ZX vs Supra MKIV:

In einer 2005er Ausgabe von C&D schreibt der Chefredakteur:
"(...) in retrospect, the authors here at C&D wish we never said half the
shit we did in that mag about the prestige of a Supra compared to a 300ZX (...)

icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif

Das sagt wohl alles aus. Dumbasses! icon_smile.gif

Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car and oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall and torque is how far you take the wall with you.
: 24. 12. 2010 [14:35]

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