Beware of rust!

Mikzu IV

: 20.10.2005
: 148
I found rust under the rear spoiler and the paint teared off like paper sad.png
Better to repair it quickly grin.png
Could be the weak point of this car B.png

: 26. 09. 2006 [10:01]
Austrian Supra

: 13.10.2005
: 4741
Mine was perfect, when I took the spoiler off.........

94` MKIV, Schalter, silber/carbon, PHR Motor, GT76 BB turbo, ....
: 26. 09. 2006 [14:49]

: 08.07.2005
: 1503
Same here, absolutely no signs of rust. The paint was brighter than where the spoiler didn't sit, but that's all.
But something's wrong with the holes in the hood.... there should be three, two for the screws and one for a plastic bolt on each side.
I think someone mounted the spoiler to a hood that didn't came with a spoiler from factory and did a bad mounting job...

I attached a picture of my hood a few days before, you can see which holes i'm talking about.

Toleranz ist heilbar !
: 26. 09. 2006 [18:53]
Mikzu IV

: 20.10.2005
: 148
Original geschrieben von: kowalski
Same here, absolutely no signs of rust. The paint was brighter than where the spoiler didn't sit, but that's all.
But something's wrong with the holes in the hood.... there should be three, two for the screws and one for a plastic bolt on each side.
I think someone mounted the spoiler to a hood that didn't came with a spoiler from factory and did a bad mounting job...

I attached a picture of my hood a few days before, you can see which holes i'm talking about.

Hmm... that's true.
I have only 2 holes per side. It must have been installed after, and not very well.
I was already scared that toyota made a mistake grin.png

: 26. 09. 2006 [20:42]

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