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Offizielles Supra Forum der German Supra MKIV Group - Tuning - Motor - AEM-ECU mapen - seite 4

AEM-ECU mapen


: 18.04.2005
: 2118
mr reed ist ne klasse für sich. das steht mal fest, genua wie sean mceldery....jedoch gibt es sicherlich einige dinge die da nicht funzen wie sie sollen.... . somit gibt es immer potential nach oben. jedoch sein zu bemerken, dass ein normales strassenfahrzeug mehrere 1000de km fahren mus mit unendlich viel rechnerleistung um es abzustimmen, dass es so läuft wie der erfinder es sich gedacht hat. und denoch gibt es nach markteinfürhrung rückrufaktionen und versteckte updates für eine serien ems.

mir ist es lieber eine zu 80 oder 90 prozentig laufende karre zu fahren als null prozent in der garagen stehen zu lassen. sollte irgendwann einer alle daten (zündkennfelder etc) für die supra speziell für die AEM zu haben, können wir alle glücklich sein, denn ich hoffe das bringt uns alle etwas näher an die 100% ran!!!

bitte nochmals an alle: stellt die arbeit anderer nicht an den pranger, wenns keine bessere ( und billigere) alternative gibt.

: 17. 03. 2007 [20:57]
John Reed

: 27.03.2007
: 5
Hello everyone!

Sorry for posting English, but I think it is better than you reading my German. haveaniceday.png I just see my name many times in this thread. HAHAHAHA

I have not had a chance to translate/read many posts in this thread (takes time to translate and I think online translation is not so good), but if anyone has any questions about my AEM tuning or would like to discuss things, I am always willing to answer and learn if someone has something to show me that I could do better for them. I always try to do best I can for everyone. Feel free to post up to me in this thread, but again for me German will be very hard to translate so English will work best. It is ok if your English not so good, it is better than my German! HAHAHAHA

I will be in Germany 10-20 of May, I hope to see and talk to many of you then!


John Reed - Tuning
Motec, AEM, VPro, ViPEC, Haltech, etc
: 27. 03. 2007 [17:00]
Austrian Supra

: 13.10.2005
: 4741
John, mid of May is a good time!

I´ll try to meet you when you´re here, so you can tweak some more hp out of my car.

It runs flawless and has lot of power, but well....some more ponies here and there haveaniceday.png

94` MKIV, Schalter, silber/carbon, PHR Motor, GT76 BB turbo, ....
: 27. 03. 2007 [18:38]

: 22.07.2005
: 510
Original geschrieben von: John Reed
Hello everyone!

Sorry for posting English, but I think it is better than you reading my German. haveaniceday.png I just see my name many times in this thread. HAHAHAHA

I have not had a chance to translate/read many posts in this thread (takes time to translate and I think online translation is not so good), but if anyone has any questions about my AEM tuning or would like to discuss things, I am always willing to answer and learn if someone has something to show me that I could do better for them. I always try to do best I can for everyone. Feel free to post up to me in this thread, but again for me German will be very hard to translate so English will work best. It is ok if your English not so good, it is better than my German! HAHAHAHA

I will be in Germany 10-20 of May, I hope to see and talk to many of you then!


Hey JOhn,

I guess someone here has written that your map is crap and only waste.
And some people had confirmed that.
Maybe they can tell or teach you some things about aem tuningB.png
Hope these guys are gonna have balls to show you what they meant, maybe that will help you to tune cars better and maybe notB.png

1015rwhp - AEM EMS---10.3s - 230 kmh
Schnellste Supra Deutschlands!
: 27. 03. 2007 [23:53]
Austrian Supra

: 13.10.2005
: 4741
John knows what this thread is about.
I offered him to translate it and discussed it with him.

He´s willing to discuss it with others, also haveaniceday.png ..... but in english.

94` MKIV, Schalter, silber/carbon, PHR Motor, GT76 BB turbo, ....
: 28. 03. 2007 [03:44]

: 24.05.2005
: 1329

Welcome to the German MKIV board. We are glad to see you here.

Let's start:

One guy in this board said your map was crap, but he have said again the word "crap" is really to hard and "SORRY" therefor. He found some values in your maps (as well in other maps from other mappers) are not correct.

He has in comparison with other maps from Dimitri (Mad Greek) your voltage curve of the wideband sensor. We don't know what background info were used for this values but the curve in the ECU isn't correct. We got from BOSCH Germany the volts curve for the Widebandsensor and compared it with yours and other map. Your was the nearest of all and progressive as well (other mappers only made a straight line) but not correct. After changing that values we see a lot of difference in the A/F Value.

The car shows before changing a values around A/F 11.0 and after changing 10.0 = The car runs richer as it shows. After long time of testing on street the guy made about 45 dynoruns and have checked the values. After changing the values are absolutely correct now.

Just for Info... I have absolutely NO experience with ECU mapping and if I see someone mapping a car, I'm really impressed of the knowledge and I need to trust everything what he says. Now is here ONE guy with more than a couple of years experience with building Grand Prix Motorcycles and have a lot of workmates in his team and everyone is a specialist of its own. He and his teammates have a lot of technical equipment like no other Supra Driver in Germany and he made a lot of Test, a lot of weeks, every day and found something doing better.

Me and all other guys in this board says that your map is the BEST you can get and to consider of the short time you have for each car and don't have the option in USA drive on the street like we on the Autobahn so long top speeds you did a really good job.

This guy did his AEM mapping only for himself and not commercial in Germany, so your work will still be necessary in Germany.

For myself I can't say who does a good job and who not. I need to trust everyone tells me he has a lot of knowlege of mapping and can map my car. Just my own brain allows me to build my own mind and I try to find out the best solution for me.

Thanks for your time and I hope you understand everything. It's always difficult to explain technical things in another language. I think you would be the same prob as you try it in German grin.png

Thanks and cheers

: 28. 03. 2007 [08:31]

: 18.04.2005
: 2118
@ joh ohhhhh my darlnig is in gemany!!! lets meet for some drinks grin.png
i hope my parts will come before you! and think about your promise to smoke everyone in germany grin.png
@ all ist was noch rausgekommen?

: 28. 03. 2007 [19:04]
John Reed

: 27.03.2007
: 5
Hopefully my wording is ok enough to understand. I think I am starting to understand the data that is being questioned. For us, the data that represents the actual air/fuel ratio versus the voltage output of the wideband is provided by the manufacturer of the wideband we are using (AEM, FJO, Motec, ect.) and we usually accept this data without question. I wish I had the facilities/equipment to test/verify this data, but the fact is most of us small shops do not have such equipment. If someone has access to the proper test equipment and has indeed found an error in the voltage curve that we have been provided (which may very well be the case) I would be very happy to see the test results and if there is something that may need to be changed then I would be very intersted in discussing the results and/or making changes if needed.

I would enjoy talking to someone with experience in racing in Europe, and to hopefully share ideas/thoughts about tuning. I always enjoy open discussion about something we all enjoy.

It is true, I usually only get to see each car for a few hours and in such time I try to do the best tuning I can in the short amount of time. To truly do a tune that is "complete" I would need to spend much time with the car and most people simply cannot afford to pay someone that much to work on their car.

I look forward to seeing you all soon, both old friends and making new ones!


John Reed - Tuning
Motec, AEM, VPro, ViPEC, Haltech, etc
: 29. 03. 2007 [07:02]
John Reed

: 27.03.2007
: 5
Original geschrieben von: eddie
@ joh ohhhhh my darlnig is in gemany!!! lets meet for some drinks grin.png
i hope my parts will come before you! and think about your promise to smoke everyone in germany grin.png
@ all ist was noch rausgekommen?

Eddie my friend, sounds good to me! See you soon and we will have much fun!

John Reed - Tuning
Motec, AEM, VPro, ViPEC, Haltech, etc
: 29. 03. 2007 [07:05]

: 17.04.2005
: 1574
Kann einer diese englische mist übersetzen grin.png grin.png grin.png
Ich war schon immer schlecht in Englisch......ab morgen gehe ich wieder in der Schule grin.png

Die Welt ist reich an Besserwissern und arm an Bessermachern.
: 29. 03. 2007 [08:53]

: 05.03.2006
: 367
Nur für dich B.png

„Hoffentlich ist mein Wortschatz ausreichend um euch (die Deutschen Texte) zu verstehen. Ich denke, ich verstehe langsam, welche Daten hier hinterfragt werden. Uns werden die Daten, die die eigentliche A/F gegen den Voltage Output der Wideband darstellen, vom jeweiligen Hersteller vorgegeben. In der Regel übernehmen wir diese Daten auch zweifelsohne.
Ich wünschte ich hätte die nötigen Einrichtungen und das Equipment um diese Daten zu überprüfen und zu verifizieren. Fakt aber bleibt, dass kleine Läden wie wir meist nicht über die Mittel verfügen.
Falls jemand Zugang zu vernünftigem Test Equipment haben sollte und in der Tat einen Fehler in der uns vorgegebenen Voltage-Kurve ausfindig gemacht hat (was sehr gut sein kann), würde ich sehr gerne das Ergebnis sehen und falls es dann etwas zu verändern/modifizieren gäbe, würde ich sehr gern mit euch über die Ergebnisse und die Modifikationen sprechen.

Es würde mich sehr freuen, mich mit jemandem mit Rennerfahrung in Europa zu unterhalten und einige Gedanken und Ideen über das Tuning auszutauschen. Ich bin immer offen für Unterhaltungen über Dinge, die wir alle mögen B.png

Es ist wahr, dass ich für jedes Auto nur für wenige Stunden zur Verfügung stehen habe. In der Zeit versuche ich das mir bestmöglichste Tuning zu machen. Um ein wahrhaft „komplettes“ Tuning durchzuführen müsste ich wirklich einige Zeit mit dem Auto verbringen, was sich die meisten Leute einfach nicht leisten können.

Ich freue mich schon, euch bald wieder zu sehen – auf die alten Freunde und auch auf darauf, Neue kennen zu lernen.“

: 29. 03. 2007 [09:28]

: 17.04.2005
: 1574

Du bist ein Schatz grin.png
Bussi kriegst du später grin.png grin.png grin.png
Danke noch mal.
Tja, ich würde sagen :das Beste Traumpaar momentan John +Thomas wären grin.png grin.png grin.png
Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn irgendwann mal ein treffen gibt,bin bereit ein Teil der kosten zu übernehmen....es kann für uns nur von Vorteil sein B.png B.png

Die Welt ist reich an Besserwissern und arm an Bessermachern.
: 29. 03. 2007 [10:39]

: 05.03.2006
: 367
Kein Problem haveaniceday.png Gern geschehen

: 29. 03. 2007 [11:53]

: 18.04.2005
: 2118
beteilige mich ebenfalls.... grin.png

: 29. 03. 2007 [19:55]

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