185 Ways to know you are a Supra owner


: 05.10.2008
: 0
Hoffe noch nicht bekannt. Auch wenn von 2005 B.png

: 08. 04. 2009 [11:04]

: 02.03.2009
: 2
ich kannte es noch nicht .....richtig geil...

When you no longer snore, but make boost and blow-off-valve noises in your sleep. hahahahah

grüsse melte
: 08. 04. 2009 [11:23]

: 06.02.2009
: 883
Göttlich df.png df.png df.png grin.png

: 08. 04. 2009 [11:53]

: 20.08.2005
: 3783
Einfach supergewil und es steckt soooo viel Wahres da drin. Allein Punkt 1 ist nen Knaller... grin.png
Vllt werd ich einen der Punkte auf meiner MKIV verewigen...

Your Golf run's 9s'? It's still a piece of shit!
: 08. 04. 2009 [14:33]

: 14.08.2006
: 5379
ich hab ma die rausgefiltert, wo ich lachen konnte bzw fand, dass es zutrifft grin.png

10.) Your car “only” makes 500hp+ on “low boost” and pump gas.

17.) You love it more than you could think of loving any woman

39.) Little kids annoy the **** out of you and ask for rides

40.) Those same kids tell everyone youre their brother

56.) Your girlfriend one day tells you "You know I think the car's better looking than you are," and you just nod, smile, and say "Yes it is."

64.) Your roomate and his Camaro loving friends finally shut up about kicking import's asses

80.) you have another car that costs less than a GReddy 3 row that you drive when it rains

87.) people crap their pants when you tell them how much boost you run daily

95.) You love telling people after you demolish them in a race that your mods are, "just exhaust and a boost controller"

98.) people start to chase you on the highway to follow you

105.) You are introduced to new people by your friend as the "guy who owns the supra"

107.) Every other car enthusiast on the floor thinks you are an arrogant prick since getting one but no one wants to race

117.) cops stop you to talk about your car

119.) you smirk at people in their slow, $60,000 M3's

129.) when people ask you if u are single and u say "Not yet but I am working on it"...

132.) when u put the words "ONLY" and "550rwhp" together in a sentence and its no big deal.

156.) when your tired of being asked, how much did you pay for it?

162.) when traction doesn't exsist until third gear

184.) When you're in 6th gear on the highway, you drop to 4th..suddenly 30 seconds later you just realized you killed 1/4 of gas

´93 Supra DE-Spec
: 08. 04. 2009 [14:56]

: 20.08.2005
: 3783
Ich denk ich werd die Liste ausdrucken und auf der Tuningworld Bodensee neben meine MKIV legen...

Your Golf run's 9s'? It's still a piece of shit!
: 08. 04. 2009 [15:04]

: 05.10.2008
: 0
Das hatte ich am Freitag am Ring vor ^^
: 08. 04. 2009 [15:12]

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