

: 23.10.2014
: 7
Please help me ! I want one left rear fender or bodywork! TARGA be! Thank you!
: 26. 10. 2014 [06:48]

: 10.10.2012
: 853
Hey Supra032,
where are you from?
You may look around some other european market places!
i found something in poland:


And please... don't open up three new posts with the same topic.

Good Luck...

1995 Toyota Supra NA to TT "Build in Progress"
: 26. 10. 2014 [08:36]

: 23.10.2014
: 7
Hey Push4! I'm writing from Hungary. I'm soo glad that you help me because I could find nowhere so far. The fender should be good if it would cutting from the middle of the roof and not above at the smal window. That's why the targa roof would be the best for me. Perhaps, If you even could help me to find a targa roof I would appreciate that.
If needed I can send some photos of the damaged area on facebook, ect. I will wrote you my name in private.
Thanks a lot. Bye
: 27. 10. 2014 [17:41]

: 10.10.2012
: 853
Usually you will find rear fenders with those cuts.
This is how you cut them straight. These cuts are predefined.

Here is also a targa roof for sale:
this one is very expensive. maybe you should wait until something cheap come up!

Your welcome B.png

1995 Toyota Supra NA to TT "Build in Progress"
: 27. 10. 2014 [20:17]

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