Looking for Just2Fast


: 19.10.2007
: 30

I'm a guy from Sweden and I've bought Just2Fast Supra. It's really nice haveaniceday.png I would like to get ahold of him to ask him a few questions about the car. I bought it from a guy who bought it from Stefan, and he doesn't seem to know that much about the car..

I would like to know something about the computer with the program installed and so on.

And what kind of mods there are on the car.

I hope you understand my english, my german is really really bad....

Does anyone have Stefans mail or icq number?

Thank you!

/Markus in Sweden
: 15. 11. 2007 [21:40]

: 08.03.2005
: 6337
Jetzt ist es raus grin.png

Just2Fast is still registered here in our forum
You can contact him via PM.

You also will find some of his postings here, like his Carputer Mod:

AFAIK, he is using the C.E.S. Lizard
: 15. 11. 2007 [21:56]

: 19.10.2007
: 30

I've tried a private notice but no reply yet.

Read all his posts and the car seems really nice. It runs really good.

I have pictures of it here:


Started a few mods on it.

Thanx McGregory.

Original geschrieben von: McGregory
Jetzt ist es raus grin.png

Just2Fast is still registered here in our forum
You can contact him via PM.

You also will find some of his postings here, like his Carputer Mod:

AFAIK, he is using the C.E.S. Lizard

: 15. 11. 2007 [21:58]

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